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Cookie Settings
Last update: 25 -january - 2022
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files sent to and stored on your computer. They allow the website manager to understand user preferences when browsing their website and customize the services provided according to these preferences. For example, cookies store your browsing history as well as logins and passwords.
Cookie Settings
We use Analytics Cookies that help us understand how this website performs, how visitors interact and whether there may be any technical issues.
Analytics Cookies
How to change or block cookies?
You have the option of not accepting the capture of these cookies or turning them off in your browser options or by making changes to the Anti-Virus program tools.
Links to Third Party Sites
The Cambiatus website has links to other websites, which, in our view, may contain useful information/tools for our visitors. Our privacy policy is not applied to third-party sites, so you should read its privacy policy if you visit another site from ours. We are not responsible for these same sites' privacy policies or content.
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